Helping schools with OFSTED & ISI
why OFSTED and ISI love briym in schools
briym can help you implement mental health support in your school to help you achieve a Good or Outstanding status for OFSTED and a Met status for ISI.
I am sure you are aware of the changes to the OFSTED and ISI inspection framework regarding the emotional and mental wellbeing of students but what are they and how do they affect schools?
The changes have highlighted personal development, behaviour and attitudes which now includes reference to student’s emotional and mental health. The framework also includes reference to the essential components of mental wellbeing such as confidence, self-efficacy, self-discipline, communication skills and positive mind-set and attitude.
Specifically, the guidelines for OFSTED state:
In order for schools to gain good status pupils must ‘enjoy learning about how to stay healthy and about emotional and mental health, safe and positive relationships.’
To be outstanding schools must enable students to be able to ‘make informed choices about healthy eating, fitness and their emotional and mental well-being.’
ISI take a thematic approach, based on the definition of wellbeing already contained in the Standards. They follow the five sections from the statutory definition of wellbeing (Children Act 2004):
Pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing
Protection of pupils from harm and neglect
Pupils’ education, training, and recreation
The contribution made by pupils to society
Pupils’ social and economic wellbeing
Inspectors will evaluate, with evidence, the provision under each heading. The report will state whether relevant Standards are met or not met for each section.
The new framework goes beyond supporting individual students with specific mental health or behavioural needs and to create a culture that promotes wellbeing for all students. Therefore, to achieve good or outstanding, schools need to commit to helping students develop on a personal level as well as achieving academically.
To do this effectively schools are encouraged to raise awareness and promote mental health and emotional wellbeing within the educational environment. Not only is this done through direct work with students with specific needs, but it also involves providing training opportunities in mental health to students and staff. This includes emotional and mental health in the curriculum, ultimately creating a whole school culture that promotes and protects mental health for all within the school.
This may sound daunting but briym can help and support schools to implement these mental health and emotional wellbeing strategies with our successful workshops and one-to-one sessions.